The Ultimate Camping Checklist

The Ultimate Camping Checklist

Camping is a great way to reset and reconnect with yourself and those around you. Getting out into the outdoors and living in a simpler way allows you to separate from the stress of everyday life. This being said, getting started can be a daunting task in terms of knowing what to get and making sure you are prepared before venturing off the grid.

If you are someone who wants to get into camping but is not sure where to start, this checklist will give you a comprehensive list of essentials and luxury items. At the bottom of this article, you can find the PDF as well as a downloadable version.

Questions to Consider:

What type of camping are you going for?

Are you heading to a designated campground? An RV site? A primitive off-grid location? This will change the items you will require. Most designated campgrounds have fire pits with grates or BBQs for use so you may not need a portable stove or grill. However, if you are heading out to camp off-grid – you will need a way to cook with fire (if allowed), a propane grill, etc. Make sure you are prepared by knowing what facilities are offered if any so you bring the correct items.

Where do you want to sleep?

There are MANY options for camping setups nowadays. You have your traditional ground tent which is the most common but there are also rooftop tents, hammocks, or even just a sleeping pad under the stars. Here you can find some information on why we chose a rooftop tent and why it may be a good option for you.

How luxurious do you need to get?

Camping can be as simple or as elaborate as you want it to be. You can just stick with the basics of a sleeping and cooking set up or you can add on lawn games, board games, movie set-ups, and more! I encourage you to find what makes you comfortable and most importantly, what is going to make camping the most fun!

HELP I am on a budget!

Camping can obviously be expensive – even the low-ticket items can add up. If you are someone who wants to try out camping but not commit financially, I encourage using gear rental services. This is a great way to try different setups and figure out what you like. When purchasing items, I love looking for used equipment first. I have included a few links below that I browse when looking for gear:

More information:

To make things even easier you can navigate to my Amazon Storefront. I have every item on the camping checklist below in one convenient place for you to shop.

You can also find a post about our favorite camping items here.

Disclaimer: This blog post features some affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you make a purchase (at no extra cost to you). It’s one of the ways I can keep producing free content and resources for my readers. Thank you for all your support!

The Ultimate Camping Checklist:

Comment below if we left anything off or if you want any specific recommendations. As always, we love to hear from you!